ICD-10 Code : C4092 (C40.92). Malig neoplasm of unsp bones and artic cartlg of left limb (Malignant neoplasm of unspecified bones and articular cartilage of left limb)

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General information on the “C4092” code

Revision: 10th Revision

ICD-10 Code: C4092 (C40.92)

Code Type: Diagnosis

Description: Malig neoplasm of unsp bones and artic cartlg of left limb (Malignant neoplasm of unspecified bones and articular cartilage of left limb)

Chapter/Section : Neoplasms (C00-D49)

Section/BodyPart : Malignant neoplasms of bone and articular cartilage

Note : The code is valid for submission on a UB04

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